Ted Archives

May 13, 2009

Ted: Royal Pain

The Prince, my only child, was dead. From birth, he had been educated in the kingly arts: accounting, history, psychology. He would not grow up as I had, scratching for my older brother's scraps, afraid my younger brothers would kill me in my sleep.

My son would be educated in the proper fashion so that he could rule without the tyranny my father wielded like a mace. Taught compassion so that he would know the trials of even the lowest citizen.To begin a new age for the kingdom.

Now I was bereft.

No living heir remained. It would be war.

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May 28, 2009

Ted: How I WISH it had Gone Down

"You can't be serious?"

"Yes I can, and I am. It has to be done before you go on vacation."

"The last time it took two of us two weeks to do a project half this size."

"It has to be done before you go on vacation."

"Are you threatening to withhold my vacation that was approved a month ago? Or that if it isn't done I won't have a job when I get back?"

"It has to be done before you go on vacation"

"How many guys do I get to help?"

"Just one."

"Fuck you then, I quit."

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May 10, 2010

Ted: Justice

He awoke, again, to the dream of falling, with a scream on his lips. But this time it never passed.

The computerized voice at his head stated flatly "Begin new Sequence."

He was dumped roughly onto the floor by the autobed, falling down before a mirrored wall. He shook himself and looked at his reflection.

Long red hair, blue eyes, perfect cream complexion without so much as a freckle.

And perfect tits.

He remembered vividly what he had done to her before she died.

Rape and fire.

Ten times it would be done to him.

"I'm sorry, Sis," he whispered.

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May 11, 2010

Ted: Answering the Call

The phone rang at 11:37, a bit later than he expected. He had always thought it would come at dawn. For thirteen years he had been in this house, never leaving that dedicated phone line. The line that couldn't be tapped, or traced, or reached by a wrong number.

He spent his days training, perfecting his skill and his mind, working 14 hours a day to perform this one all important task.

Everything was delivered to him that he would need, except mail, which went to the Office to be handled by accountants, cryptologists, and psychiatrists.

"Go code Alpha, Dedicated."

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May 13, 2010

Ted: Sometimes

I curl up into a ball, making myself as small as I can be. I become a small round thing, instead of the thing she hates. I don't understand why, but she can't see me when I'm round.

When she is well again, she laughs, bakes cookies, and even plays games. But I never play with a ball when she is well. I don't want her to associate me with anything round. I can be tall, and let my pigtails and skirts flap in the wind playing outside.

When I sleep though, I curl up tight, and just be round.

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May 14, 2010

Ted: A Thimble

The perfect beverage, a thimble full of water from the moons of Saturn, went for a cool million. This bar sold six or seven a night. I only got a quarter mil per shot as the distributor, but I sold to seven bars system wide. Sweet racket for me, since it was on my way and didn't even cost a thousandth of a percent of my fuel. If they ever found out that that water used to be part of my reaction mass, I could probably be sold into slavery.

The real money was in information. I knew something wonderful.

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May 17, 2010

Ted: Such A Deal

"I have a favor to ask."

"My price is your virtue." I figure that if a woman interrupts my dinner and sits down uninvited, she has proven to have no manners and deserves none from me.

"All that I have, sir, plus my tarnished virtue, are yours for the asking."

Well now I was intrigued. I have certain talents, yes; but they are not usually associated with this particular persona. Was this simply a come on, or had something gone very wrong Upstairs?

"Must not be much, to be offered so lightly."

"Not lightly, sir; and a very great deal."

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