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December 29, 2006


On this day in history, President James Polk turned on the first gas lamp in the White House in 1848.

Today's story should be about an outdated technology.

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Ever since he got out he missed the smell.

Determinred to have that stench in his nose again, he contnued his charade of telling people that they didn't know what they were missing.

They were using the wrong methods.

They didn't know they were the fools.

He checked the toliet every night, searching it for what he wanted.

It was there.

It always was.

Floating in the water.

Pouring himself a mug of his concoction.

Sipping it back.

Smiling as the burn went down his throat.

A small cough as he drank more.

There is no better liquor than pruno.

Posted by: turtle at December 29, 2006 8:43 AM · Permalink

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