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November 20, 2006
On very rare occasions, an otherwise normal person can perform at a level far above their natural skill and talent. All the tumblers fall, the stars align, God smiles upon them, and they do the virtually impossible.
Describe such an event.
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He stood before the world's media bedazzled by all the lights and thrusting microphones.
He was unable to merely focus on one still running on the adrenaline from his heroic act in the air.
In fact the unremarkable bloke had no idea whatsoever how he managed to land a plane by himself with only airtraffic controllers to guide him in; in the flightdeck with two terrorists dead outside.
He was one of those who charged the armed men, only to trip and fall into the cockpit with the door slamming closed behind him.
"Bloody hell!" is all he could manage.
Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge at November 20, 2006 6:16 AM · Permalink