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August 8, 2005

Volume 5, Issue 8

Today's theme is a picture...

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Clickety – clickety –clickety… She watched as the wheel to her fortunes sped around . All she needed was the right number to come up, and the despair and misery she had grown up with would be wiped out . A single turn of the wheel and the deformity she had suffered for too long would be a thing of the past.

Clickety…….. Clickety ……………… Click..

“ I won, I won.” she cried. The croupier avoided looking at her face, as he slowly shifted the pile of chips in front of her.

“Where will you spend it all?”, he asked.

“ I’m getting new boobs!”

Posted by: drackip at August 8, 2005 8:37 AM · Permalink

The wheel came to a halt. James called out "Left hand: tit," and Sharon's hand flew to her breast reflexively. She knew something was wrong, but her mind was elsewhere.

James spun again. When it stopped, he shouted "Right hand: tit". That hand moved involuntarily, like the other. Sharon opened her mouth to protest, but found herself mute. She realized that she had trained too well; that her competitive streak had made her condition her reflexes to the point where her will could be sapped by any spinner and voice. Surely, surely the Tri-State Twister championship hadn't been worth this.

Posted by: Jeff R. at August 8, 2005 9:05 AM · Permalink

She'd been at the wheel for hours. She knew that her luck was going to change soon. She'd blown through her gambling budget in an hour. Her bank account had lasted for two hours more. At that point, the croupier had taken pity on her, and tried to convince her to give up.

She had retreated, and waited until they changed croupiers. It was all his fault, a change would change her luck. It took two more hours to burn through her credit cards.

Now here came the house doctor. What happened to only taking an arm and a leg?

Posted by: Gahrie at August 8, 2005 7:54 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!