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March 10, 2009


This is the special tour.

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She came down from Boston for the weekend, but her feet weren't on the ground for two minutes when she said, "I have to see some cows."

We drove everywhere. Cleburne. Frisco. Corsicana. Pilot Point. We gave up after a few hours.

The next afternoon, we were downtown in a shop looking at porcelain dolls, when we heard a commotion outside, followed by the sound of breaking glass. The biggest bull either of us had seen had leapt through the window. He looked at my friend, pawed the ground and snorted.

"Ohhh, right. The annual Downtown Cattle Drive is today."

Posted by: Shawn at March 10, 2009 9:40 AM · Permalink

It was a weekend of firsts. It was her first time in Toronto, first time seeing one of the Great Lakes, first time on a subway. And she was there, visiting him, ostensibly to get away for the weekend. But she wanted an answer.

She waited patiently, through the sightseeing, the museums, the CN Tower, the bitter January cold, the house party where she had to defend her position as an American for the first time since 9/11. On her last night, on the subway, she finally asked the inevitable. “What now?” It was also her last time in Toronto.

Posted by: Kate at March 10, 2009 11:35 AM · Permalink

She looked across the water, back towards the shore. The boat was riding smoothly over the sea. The swells regularly rolled diagonally under the hull. She thought about her day. From time to time a strange wave would frogfoot the boat, which she absentmindedly steered to correct. Two or three waves later she was back on course.

Her desire drove her on that course. She hadn't considered sailing across the sound at first. Once underway though the sun, wind, salt air, and her ever pressing desire pointed her to the safe harbor she knew would welcome her with open arms.

Posted by: rammer at March 10, 2009 11:15 PM · Permalink

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