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March 13, 2009
Michele: lucky
He had a wife, a son and a dog. He had a house with a picket fence and rose garden. He drove a nice car, played golf every day and had good friends . He had such fortune his whole life, they called him Lucky.
Now he couldn’t remember the name of his wife or son or dog, or any of his friends, or what kind of car he drove. He sat by the window every day ,crying because he could not remember anything but the frustration that the nurse’s daily words brought him.
“You have a visitor, Lucky. ”
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He decided to quit smoking pot. They moved in together, to make a sober life in the heat and dust.
Ben named him to avoid jail time, but he wasn’t worried. It had been months since he smoked, and he was the luckiest guy around. When he was called in for questioning, he started worrying. The OSI behaved as though his guilt was a foregone conclusion.
They contacted a local attorney experienced in these matters. They couldn’t afford him and neither family would help. He said the military court would railroad him, even if she was pregnant. He was right.
Posted by: CaryRN at March 14, 2009 7:22 PM · Permalink