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March 12, 2009

Jeff R: Unspoken

Katie's mom didn't finish the sentence. She didn't have to.

They both knew the story by heart: the post-exams party. The walk home.

The rape.

The months of denial, of trying to go on as though nothing had happened until the most obvious form of contrary evidence appeared. The trip to the clinic, and the day spent waiting outside, unable to bring herself to walk in the doors. Dropping out, the bankruptcy and the chain of welfare checks and crap jobs that brought them both here, fifteen years on.

"Maybe you should have," whispered Katie, as she turned her back.

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Or maybe, Adoption should have been considered.

(yes, I am adopted, and I'm so glad that my mom did not go into the clinic).

Posted by: Beth at March 13, 2009 8:56 AM · Permalink

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