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April 22, 2008


Hilarity ensues.

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Stacy: Yin vs. Yang

“You’re bringing apprentices into the field, Harris,” I snarled. “You know that violates the Accords.”

He smirked but didn’t reply... which meant his mizuko had just about finished surrounding me and the whimpering kid whose hair I currently had knotted in my fist. I tightened my grip, just to get their attention, and the kid yelped.

“Ah, Raphael… still not very smart, are you?”

His smirk faltered a bit.

“We’re getting closer,” I said. “And there’s nothing you can do.”

He opened his mouth to speak, and I popped the smoker hidden in my hand.

Come and get ‘em, boys.

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From The Comments: JerryD

HILARITY ENSUES (Goldfarb cont'):

Goldfarb was released from the hospital with the best wishes of the staff.

His near fatal attack of lightning had reduced him to a quivering mass of protein.

Prior to the incident his well honed muscles had carried him to multiple victories.

Now he could walk only with the aid of crutches.

He had even won, with a little help from the mob, a bronze, a silver, and a gold medal.

All in the final race of the World Championship.

Reaching the revolving door his left crutch catches and Goldfarb falls.

The door drags him around and around and around.

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