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January 9, 2008

David: Small Victories

Sisyphus lost his grip and sighed helplessly as the boulder rolled back down the hill. With a theatrical groan, he hung his head and started ambling down after it.

The first millennium had been pretty bad. He’d almost gone mad with frustration and a sense of futility more than once. Then, suddenly, he made his peace with his eternal task.

Sure, he was doomed to pointless, unending physical labor. But his mind was still his own. He counted steps and set goals for himself. He had fantasies no one could steal.

And during those trips back downhill, he was free.

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Posted by: Eric at January 9, 2008 3:17 PM · Permalink

Dude, Bravo.

Posted by: Ted Bronson at January 9, 2008 7:24 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!