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December 10, 2007

Jim: Who To Call

Ebenezer scowled at the apparition. “There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!” he said, a little louder than was his wont.

On cue, two shafts of twining light spun out from the sitting room’s darkened corners. They wrapped themselves around Jacob Marley’s ghost and deposited the spirit into a box that, save for a blinking red light, may once have held soda crackers.

“That should do it,” Winston said, lifting the smoking box.

Ray and Egon nodded while Peter Venkman added, “There’ll be three more ghosts tonight. Did you want the quantity discount, Mr. Scrooge?”

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This is what you get when you fall asleep during a weekend Bill Murray movie marathon.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at December 10, 2007 6:02 PM · Permalink

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