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November 16, 2007


The phone call.

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The double shift at Diablo Canyon had drained him.
He barely remembered who he was when hitting the pillows.

Then the phone rang.

``Huh? Who's...?''

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Remember, Dimitri?
...miles to go before I sleep.

``Dude, wrong number. No `Dimitri' here.
Speaking of `sleep'... If you don't mind?''

Oh jeez, terribly sorry, wrong page...

Ahem. Inky dinky spider crawled up the water spout...

After many years, Lt. Dimitri Sergeiovich Prekovic
finally remembered who he was.

Posted by: shinjukri at November 16, 2007 2:07 AM · Permalink


Posted by: Stacy at November 16, 2007 10:24 AM · Permalink

The Minutes

When you are waiting, the minutes don’t dissolve away peacefully, resolute and finite. Instead they linger. They pile on the table in front of you like unpaid bills when you’re broke — they can’t be sorted and discarded. Like a ball of unraveling yarn, they get tangled up in misunderstanding. The only thing to ease the tension are the passing of the minutes themselves, the original culprits of your fear. The phone rings and finally you receive your answer, only to curse the minutes and their hold over you. There is not much time. Love now, love long, love each minute.

Posted by: Tara Lazar at November 16, 2007 4:26 PM · Permalink

"Bruce is dead."

The simple statement threw me for a loop, and I almost dropped the phone. "What do you mean he's dead? Who killed him?

A brief silence. Then Carrie replied, "Clark... he was 92 years old."

Of course he was. It just proved how completely stuck in those bygone days I was. Someone like me forgets. But Bruce... a normal man who'd trained himself to a form as strong as even I, and pushed himself past all limitations... you expected his training to save him yet again.

But he was just a man... which was his greatest strength.

Posted by: LJ at November 16, 2007 8:38 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!