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October 30, 2007

Michele: A Halloween Feast

At 7pm, a ghost and goblin show up on his doorstep. "Halloween’s tomorrow."

"Mom is going to the hospital tomorrow, so we’re doing it today.” The boy's voice is pleading, He feels sorry for the kids.

"Hang on, I'll get some candy." He wonders if there is an adult lurking in the shadows. Kids shouldn't be out alone in the dark.

He's fishing candy out of a Target bag when his door creaks. The goblin and ghost step inside, uninvited.

"Hey, gimme a sec..."

In five seconds they are on him, teeth digging into his fleshy neck, devouring his blood.

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Sweet! We must've had the same breakfast or something this morning... :)

Posted by: Sealyon at October 30, 2007 3:22 PM · Permalink

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