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October 17, 2007

Jim: On A Hunch

“Did you remember to pick up my good black suit from the dry cleaners? I really need that suit for the convention next weekend.”

“Yeth, Mahth-ter.” Sigh.

“And I need to get to work on those income taxes. Are the receipts organized?”

“Yeth, Mahth-ter.” Sigh.

“Damn! Where the hell did I leave my good reading glasses? Will you go and see if they’re in the study?”

“Yeth, Mahth-ter.” Sigh.

“Look. I promise I’ll try to free up some time on Sunday to work on our project. Will you be able to secure a fresh brain before then?”

“Oh, yeth, Mahth-ter!”

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Halloween cometh, and it excites me.

Posted by: kipp at October 17, 2007 6:09 PM · Permalink

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