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October 10, 2007

From the Comments - By Locust Eater

First Han needed to lose himself, to mentally walk away from the self he knew; he breathed deeply, visualizing his skin becoming lighter, more brown, his flesh hardening into a starchy mass, his limbs stiffening and merging into his body.

His awareness spread, no longer inhabiting, no longer capable of inhabiting his new body. Now he concentrated on his surroundings:

The monestary walls shimmered and dissappeared, blue sky peeked through green leaves above him, and below, a carpet of brown leaf mold spread from trunk to trunk.

With joy Han sensed sap trickling through his veins;
He had achieved nutvana.

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Posted by: Jim Parkinson at October 11, 2007 12:41 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!