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August 6, 2007

Dave: Gone with the Euro

"But will I never see you again?" his Mother begged him.

"No," he said, looking upon her with sad fondness, "you've made it clear my work at the European Monetary Union is offensive to you.  But in turn, no longer shall you receive any leftover obsolete currency from the storage vaults -- no more Lire, Drachmas, Pesetas, nor Deutschmarks.  No matter how much I care for you, I cannot hand over any of to you."

"But, not even my beloved French bank notes, my Son? Where shall I go for them?  What shall I do?"

"Dearly, my Dam, I won't give a Franc."

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Dammit, I was trying to think of something Gone-With-the-Wind-ish!

You beat me to it - and did it better.

Posted by: Sealyon at August 6, 2007 2:14 PM · Permalink

Oh, well -- tomorrow is another topic.

Wait ... already used that one today.

Posted by: *** Dave at August 6, 2007 3:07 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!