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August 16, 2007

Dave: Cutting Remarks

"This blade is very sharp, Mr. Donne."

"I believe you."

"It can be used to pierce through to your heart ... or to simply carve off slices of my choosing."

"I said I believed you.  No need to demonstrate, pal."

"I'm not your pal."

"No, no, I guess not.  Though most folks know me a while, they kinda grow to like me."

"I don't intend to know you a while."

"Yeah, kinda figured."

"Though I do have a few hours -- and you -- to kill.  Will you grow on me, Mr. Donne?  Or simply bleed on me?"

"Don't suppose you'd rather go out for a beer?"

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I'm curious: is there an overarching plotline to these Donne and Donne stories, or are they independent vignettes that you hope will someday reveal a greater purpose?

Posted by: David at August 16, 2007 4:03 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!