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July 3, 2007


Today's theme is "taking a walk."

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When my father gave me the “my roof, my rules” speech – I took a walk

When the Army wanted 4 more years – I walked away

When my girlfriend said she was pregnant and keeping our baby – I started walking

When the mother, of my twelve year old daughter, overdosed – It stopped me in my tracks

When my daughter settled down and got pregnant – I walked out

When I saw her fella partying it up with the bangers – I walked, but in careful close circles

When I learned he beat her and abused her – I took a scene from “Walking Tall”

Posted by: kipp at July 3, 2007 10:35 AM · Permalink

The confined area was starting to get to him. He was trapped with this guy for only a day now, but only being a foot apart from each other was nerve wrecking.

"It's almost time for your walk. Are you ready?"

He wanted to thank God out loud for the quiet time he was about to enjoy away from him. He just couldn't stop asking stupid questions, and making obvious statements.

"Why do they call it a walk anyway? You're really just floating out there tethered to the capsule."

"I don't know, but space is looking mighty fine to me."

Posted by: Nick at July 3, 2007 2:23 PM · Permalink

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