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March 20, 2007
Ted: Upgrade
"Mr. Park, so good of you to see me on short notice."
Mr. Park laughed at the irony. He had been drugged, bound, and beaten. The last few hours had seemed like a year long trip to Cleveland.
"It seems that you did a less than optimum job for my client. Her eyes, Mr. Park, aren't working correctly."
"Who?" gasped Park.
"Justina," answered his captor.
"But she said she wanted to see the future. Why is she angry?"
Artificial politeness slipping away, Mr. Tabor stood and slapped Park. "She can only see five minutes forward. That doesn't meet her requirements."
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Ho shoulda read the contract! :) Good one, love!
Posted by: Stacy at March 20, 2007 4:58 PM · Permalink