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March 1, 2007


Today's theme is the word "arrogant."

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The professor pushed back from his desk, gently pulled his glasses from atop his nose, and thoughtfully massaged his temples. Could an elevated sense of self-esteem be affecting his judgment, he pondered. Is it possible, as his colleagues had so boorishly pointed out, that his mind was jaded by arrogance?

While straightening his shoulders he looked again at the young student, shifting uncomfortably in her seat across the desk. The professor gave her his best smile, and as her smile slowly grew his self doubt disappeared, like his gray, at the barber. “Let me see the twins, Baby” he crooned.

Posted by: kasac at March 1, 2007 3:58 PM · Permalink

It's a good topic, but I'm having a devil of a time coming up with anything.

Posted by: David at March 1, 2007 4:02 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!