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January 1, 2007

JIm: Quitting Is Hell!

Most said it would be difficult. Some even said it would be impossible. But he was determined to give it a try!

There were a lot of reasons to stop smoking, not the least of which was the smell on his furniture and drapes.

He tried every single stop-smoking aid on the market but nothing really worked. And it seemed like everywhere he went, somebody was smoking. As a matter of fact, there weren’t all that many places to go where some one wasn’t lit up.

So after one long, miserable week, Satan began cheating by doing some light smoldering.

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Okay, okay. It was lame.

But it's New Years so I can blame a hangover! :)

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at January 1, 2007 9:08 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!