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November 27, 2006


On this day in history in 1978, George Moscone and Harvey Milk were murdered in San Francisco.

The theme for the day is milk.

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It Does a Person Good:

With a drink in my hand my mind always goes to that scene in “Airplane” - the guy with
the drinking problem.

I used to get good and toasted at the bar, throw a drink in my face and quote a few lines.
Everyone would laugh…

How pathetic.

Some say 7 steps, some say 10…
For me, it was a hundred. Two or three, and a crash, at a time.

But now, sitting here in the quiet with –this- drink in my hand…. I know.

I know….

I lift her,
burp her,
and help her lips re-find the bottle’s nipple.

Posted by: kasac at November 27, 2006 2:20 PM · Permalink

I know not a thing of "How To Make Look" good tags!

Posted by: kasac at November 27, 2006 2:25 PM · Permalink

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