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October 31, 2006

Tanya: Girls Who Wear Glasses

The young couple lounged in the abandoned basement, finally alone. They gazed longingly at each other, and whispered words of love. “Your eyes are like stagnant pools, my love. Your lips are like…”

“Yes, my darling?”

“Like sated leeches. Your skin is like a peach. A peach that’s been forgotten in the crisper for six weeks. And your hair is like… like that seaweed that washes up on the beach in late summer, and smells like a fetid sewer.”

She swooned, happily.

“But you know I don’t simply love you for your looks, beloved. I love you for your BRAAAAAAINS.

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Beautiful. He's quite the eloquent one, isn't he?

Posted by: Keiran Halcyon at October 31, 2006 10:27 AM · Permalink

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