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October 18, 2006

Jim: Homecoming

The massive bonfire roared, creating the bass upon which the cheers of merry-makers were the melody. Orange flames reflected off the lowering clouds and onto the joyous throng.

“Dude!” a bronzed young man said. “Wasn’t today awesome!”

“Best day ever!” agreed another, raising a foaming cup. “And the brew rocks!”

“Fifteen and O,” interjected a third. “We’re totally undefeated!”

“I wish this season could have lasted forever,” the first youth sighed.

“There’s always next season!” the Captain said while walking by. “But for now, drink up, boys!”

The second youth nodded. “Tomorrow we start the long ride back to Mongolia!”

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Woo-hoo! I squeaked this story in right before midnight!

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at October 18, 2006 11:28 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!