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February 3, 2006

February 3, 2006

Today's story should include a woman in red, a yellow truck and the word shallow

(Don't blame me, blame my dreams).

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The woman in the heavy red parka rubbed her cold hands together. Though the small town had been enjoying unseasonably warm weather for the past few weeks, the night air was chilly. Good, she thought. It's better if the ground is cold and hard.

She carefully guided the arm of the CAT truck to the patch of recently disturbed soil and patted it down, leveling it with the surrounding ground. I loved you, Hal, she thought bitterly, but you shouldn't have called me shallow.

Two weeks later she was eating those words - turns out she hadn't buried him deep enough.

Posted by: G-Do at February 3, 2006 8:47 PM · Permalink

Ha ha! Excellent!

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at February 3, 2006 9:28 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!