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February 2, 2006

February 2, 2006

Today is Groundhog Day! I think it marks the beginning of Woodchuck Week and Marmot Month.

According to Pennsylvania folklore, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter. Now why would a rodent care about his shadow?

Today you should write about a shadow.

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I wake suddenly from a sound sleep, and squint at the alarm. Looks like one o'clock. Don't want to fumble around for my glasses.

I must have heard something, but what? Probably just a dream bubbling up from below.

Wait. There it is again. Footsteps slipping softly down the hallway.

My heart races. I take slow, quiet breaths.

A shadow appears in the doorway.

"Who's there?"

"Just me, Dad. Sorry I'm so late. I just lost track of the time. We'll talk in the morning, okay?"

"Okay, sweetheart. I'm glad you're home."

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you too."

Posted by: Owl Creek Observer at February 2, 2006 4:30 AM · Permalink

As children our shadows seem to run and play. Nearly too fast to catch, they wisp merrily about us.

As we age our shadow’s change. A man’s shadow grows larger, stronger, more steadfast. Powerful men cast a large shadows.

A woman’s shadow nearly disappears through the middle years of her life, as her face beams so radiant with the joys of children and marriage.

Life continues, and so does our shadow’s progression. I now sit comfortably, with my shadow resting beside me. Content to move about with me, it is my friend and confidant, a part of who I’ve become.

Posted by: k at February 2, 2006 9:01 AM · Permalink

As children our shadows seem to run and play. Nearly too fast to catch, they wisp merrily about us.

As we age our shadow’s change. A man’s shadow grows larger, stronger, more steadfast. Powerful men cast a large shadows.

A woman’s shadow nearly disappears through the middle years of her life, as her face beams so radiant with the joys of children and marriage.

Life continues, and so does our shadow’s progression. I now sit comfortably, with my shadow resting beside me. Content to move about with me, it is my friend and confidant, a part of who I’ve become.

Posted by: k at February 2, 2006 9:02 AM · Permalink


Posted by: k at February 2, 2006 10:17 AM · Permalink

Phillip cast one final, pitying glance at his fellow rodents, still chained to the great stone bench. They were watching the bucking, wriggling shadows on the cave wall, their eyes wide and their mouths open.

Phillip passed the great bonfire and the dancing clockwork projector, then climbed up and up the steep cave walls, his eyes smarting as he ascended into ever-brighter heights. At last he emerged, near-blind.

The intensity of the sunlight forced him to look down, where he saw it - his own shadow, mocking him. Phillip gasped, and in great philosophical consternation, ran back down into the cave.

Posted by: G-Do at February 2, 2006 3:06 PM · Permalink

Oh, here they come, hide!
They’re reaching for Nancy, no. No!

For six years now I’ve avoided selection. Again I’m ready to dig in, to duck, to run, whatever I must. The others are on their own……..

My resolve is softening as I see the fear in Nancy’s eyes. Sweet Nancy.

I charge the intruders. I heft myself into the tallest form I can muster. “Choose me! Choose me!”

I feel a prick in my thigh…. My head is reeling…

I hear chanting, Phil…Phil…Phil…
The light gets bright on my closed lids, I hear boos and guffahs. I miss Nancy.

Posted by: k at February 2, 2006 3:16 PM · Permalink

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