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January 10, 2006

Ted: Bedtime for Henrietta, aged Three

Stan looked all over the place. Pickles, the cat, was missing. Henrietta simply could not go to bed without Pickles. Henrietta loved Pickles. Daddy had to find Pickles, or she could never get to sleep.

So Stan kept looking.

He looked under her bed.

He looked in her closet.

He even looked under the couch, and the cushions of the couch.

In a fit of desperation, Stan opened the refrigerator door.

There was Pickles, the cat, sitting serenely on top of the dill pickles.

"Thanks Daddy, I forgot that he wanted to visit with the rest of his family."

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Fantastic, baby.

Posted by: Stacy at January 10, 2006 3:03 PM · Permalink

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