« January 23, 2006 | Main | Ted: A Tale of Tail »

January 23, 2006

Jim: Brokeskull Mountain

From their hiding places in the low mesquite scrub, grasshoppers rasped a ragged chorus of annoyance at the sweltering midday sun. Nothing moved in the oppressive heat, not even the three hundred fifty steers we were driving to the Abilene stockyards. But I had to watch them anyway.

Slim limped up behind me, rivulets of sweat slicing through the blood and dust caked on his face.

“What happened to you, Slim?”

“Well, sir,” he drawled. “You know how they say you’re safe if you hold a tiger by the tail?”

“I reckon.”

“That trick don’t work with horses,” he grunted.

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Great story. The title is perfect.

You can't drive around with a tiger in your car, either.

Posted by: k at January 24, 2006 11:54 AM · Permalink

Check before you post!