« Ted: Civilization | Main | Volume 8, Issue 12 »

November 11, 2005

The Eschatologist: A Differential Disagreement

Gottfried burned with anger. He crumpled Issac's latest letter. That bastard would not get the satisfaction! He raged about the small room, kicking at his desk and scattering research notes to the floor.

He uncrumpled the letter. Breathe in, breathe out.

Thirty four years. That was a long time to be angry.

Fuck him, he thought, and tore the letter to shreds.

"History will vindicate me, and not him!" Gottfried sat down and checked his notes again - November 11, 1675. He was first!

Fuck Newton and his stupid apple.

Once more, with passion, he scribbled out y= f(x).


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