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October 10, 2005

Volume 7, Issue 10

You receive an unmarked DVD in a brown envelope with no return address. Slipping it into your player you push play. The screen flickers to life and you see...

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Sitting in my living room, I found myself staring at an image of myself, sitting in my living room.

“This is not a trick,” was the first thing my video doppelganger said. “I don’t know what you now believe, but I am a scientist. A high-energy physicist, to be exact. If you’re watching this, then they got to me. They want to suppress what I’ve discovered. I don’t have time to explain. There are files on this disk that will make everything clear.”

Exasperated, I pushed Stop, then Eject. They told me my evil twin would try something like this.

Posted by: David at October 10, 2005 10:29 AM · Permalink

“Discreetly Packaged” – That’s what the catalog said. “Discreetly Packaged”. As if the whole world doesn’t know what comes in plain brown paper. The mailman knew, the look on his face, boy, I had half a mind to….

Just like the ATM at the jiggle joint , “Discreetly Billed” – my ass. I almost lost my ass, and my job, when the partners secretary opened the corporate AmEx bill.

“The Million Dollar Fantasy Ranch - $200” , under my card number. They list the date and time too. Very discreet.

The partners knew, the looks on their faces – they knew…… maybe alittle too well.

Posted by: kasac at October 10, 2005 12:43 PM · Permalink

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Sighing, I hit “eject”. I held the disc up to the light, searching for scratches or smudges. There wasn’t as much as a mote of dust. I flipped the disc and tried again; I’ve been known to insert discs upside-down once or twice before. Again, nada.

As I returned the disc back to the unmarked brown envelope, my doorbell rang. Outside were two girl scouts with a crate of cookies. Wordlessly I handed them my wallet and the blank disc. I dragged the crate inside while watching the scouts drop the disc off in my neighbor’s mailbox.

Posted by: Amphioxus at October 10, 2005 1:00 PM · Permalink

Was this a clue that would lead to Rachel? The DVD reflected the flourescent light as he tilted it to and fro. Jeff had received such clues before. The church marquee, the one that usually had the, "Sign Broke, Message Inside" text on it had a message that read, "She'll Be Waiting for You On the Shore of a Distant Land" Coincidence? Or just a teaser for sermons about the Virgin Mary or God's mother-like love. Jeff was on the shore of a distant land, a land of region 2 DVD players with a region 1 DVD in his hand.

Posted by: Eric at October 10, 2005 4:16 PM · Permalink

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