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October 1, 2005

Volume 7. Issue 1

Rosh Hoshana is right around the corner.

The theme for today is something that takes place at sundown.

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Everyone laughed at Jim. The clanging and intermittent screams coming from his basement reinforced the belief that Jim was no inventor, but a nut.

Jim knew differently. In addition to its obvious social, political, and environmental benefits, his invention was COOL.

His neighbors stared in awe as Jim brought his contraption out onto the driveway that crisp October afternoon. They watched as he wiped the solar panels clean and climbed into the seat of his machine. An "ooooh" as he turned the ignition and launched into the heavens. As the sun disappeared, an "ahhhh" as Jim dropped like a stone.

Posted by: Adam at October 1, 2005 7:47 AM · Permalink

“We don’t want no gypsies around here,” a stern man brandishing both a torch and rope growled at Papa Corneliu. “We told you to be out of town by sunset.”

His back to the wagon, Papa Corneliu pleaded to the sullen mob, “We mean no trouble. May I stay until my children awake from their naps?”

Suddenly something monstrous hurled itself from the rear of the wagon and into the indigo sky. It was a subhuman horror with enormous leathery wings, glowing ruby eyes, and gleaming sharp fangs. Two others joined it.

“Breakfast time,” Papa Corneliu hissed to his children.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at October 1, 2005 3:57 PM · Permalink

George Michael & Elton John finished their duet and held hands tightly. Their eyes closed, they focused their combined powers on the waning sunlight. It was not to be - for, although they remained adamant that they would not "let the sun go down" on them, it still did. They clutched at each other for warmth & wept. The audience began throwing things, betrayed by the claims the duo had laid to possessing magical powers. It wasn't long before the audience overpowered security & powered onto the stage. Moments after that, the fraudulent wannabe witch-doctors were torn limb from limb.

Posted by: JB at October 1, 2005 5:45 PM · Permalink

“What will happen when the sun disappears?” Even now, it was low on the horizon. It would soon be gone.

Every being in his race emerged fully formed and completely knowledgeable about the world around them and their place in it. However, no one living knew anything but sunlight.

“No one knows. The priests say it will be then end of all life.”

They watched, and waited. The sun sank. Soon it was dark, and the stars appeared.

Suddendly, they knew there was such a thing as male and female, and that they had to soon mate before they died.

Posted by: cranky-d at October 2, 2005 5:19 PM · Permalink

Dusk beckons. I am at work.Wondering what the night's events shall bring.It is a slow night. I am watching the clock. Waiting, ever so patiently, for my time to end.I cannot wait to be FREE! I am an automaton for the MAN.Glorified,YES.But,have no real understanding of what that means.I have a moment off clarity!!! I AM! an average,working Joe.

Posted by: Chris at October 2, 2005 8:13 PM · Permalink

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