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October 10, 2005

Ted: Ransom Note

The face on the screen kept talking, but Jim couldn't hear the words. Seconds before, he had seen his wife and daughter on the screen, tied together in chairs, and blindfolded. When "The Face" came on, and Jim lip-read "we have your family", he was dumbstruck. Rousing himself, he jammed the menu button and began looking for the outtakes, the bonus features, anything that would give him more information. Hidden in the shell of menus, he found it. Stephanie had convinced the kidnappers to let her use sign language. Jim came to the warehouse that night and rescued his girls.

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I really liked this post. As someone who loves watching all the extra material on DVD's I especially enjoyed your creative twist.

Posted by: Eric at October 11, 2005 2:52 AM · Permalink

Check before you post!