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October 18, 2005

Michele: Hungry Like the Wolf

I stay within the shadows
blend with the darkness,
go unnoticed
until it’s too late

A flicker of movement
bursts from the night
I am on them.

Surprise is their weakness
no time to defend.

In seconds
the flesh is hanging from their throat
muscles exposed
blood painting the ground

I drag the victim to a private place
I devour skin
until I am sated

I leave the remains
for the wolves;
more my brethren than humans.

I howl
then sleep

dawn breaks
I walk the streets

become me again

or leave me again

it’s hard to tell.

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Good stuff!

Posted by: Eric at October 18, 2005 5:40 PM · Permalink

Ahh, one of my favorite subjects. I've read lots of really, really bad poems about werewolves on the Internet. Thank God somebody knows how to write a good one.

Posted by: Sloan at January 17, 2006 7:11 AM · Permalink

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