« Volume 7, Issue 27 | Main | Ted: 3049 »

October 27, 2005

D: Fiat Voluntas Tua

Those who could afford the longevity treatments didn’t last long against the endless human waves of those who couldn’t. In their desperation to unlock an affordable way of prolonging life the unwashed masses left desolation and destruction in their wake like bipedal locusts. Laboratories were consumed and research data perverted into cheap and dirty genetic meat-hacks.

The remaining elite abandoned Earth to the demonic hordes that hacked and bludgeoned their way to supposed immortality but not without the parting gift of nuclear irradiation.

Within less than four generations the surviving mutant offspring left Earth in hot pursuit across the stars.

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Give me another 100 words and I'll try and shoehorn even more epic concepts in...

Posted by: D at October 27, 2005 6:00 AM · Permalink

The Canticle of Leibowitz!

Posted by: Cherry at October 29, 2005 4:01 AM · Permalink

I was thinking more Red Mars meets Beneath The Planet of the Apes

Posted by: D at October 31, 2005 1:42 AM · Permalink

Check before you post!