« Ted: Ahhhh, mush | Main | Volume 6, Issue 16 »

September 15, 2005

Michele: And The Bacon Never Gets Soggy!

“BLT cereal?
“Yes, sir.”
“You had two months to come up with something and you give me a BLT cereal?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Bacon, lettuce, tomato, right?
“Right, see...” The young ad exec whipped out the poster board and props that gave weight to his speech on demographics and food preferences and laziness.
“...so the college kids, the ones with the disposable incomes, they don’t eat breakfast, but they like an early lunch. So you’ve got the ease and portability of breakfast cereal, but it’s got lunch foods in it.”
“Ham and swiss?”
“Got a name?”
“Captain Lunch!”
“Of course.”

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