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August 2, 2005

Volume 5, Issue 2

King Fahd of Saudi Arabia is dead. Crown Prince Abdullah is the new king.

The theme for the day is the word crown.

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Stepping lightly into the room, he looks around. Death awaited if discovered. The glint of gold and jewels in the dim light fills the room with stars. From a thousand previous visits, his feet know the winding way to the crown box. From long practice, he unfastens the crown from its stand. Walking to a very old part of the room, he opens a trunk, rearranges the contents, and places the crown at the bottom. He carefully refills the trunk and covers his tracks.

“That’s what they get for giving me a damn gold watch for my retirement.” he thinks.

Posted by: JAB at August 2, 2005 6:15 AM · Permalink

The name's Jack Lumber, PI. I was trailing a wolfish fellow with a sweet tooth for pork...and little girls. I was meeting my informant Jillian at the peak of Nurse Hill.

She barely had time to say boo before I heard gunshots. I hit the deck, lost my footing, and banged my way at down the hill. I looked around, taking stock. A few bruises, but more pain from my mouth. The same damn tooth the dentist fixed up last week. That'll cost.

Then I saw Jill's body tumbling down at me, two neat little bullet holes in her forehead.

Posted by: Jeff R. at August 2, 2005 9:38 AM · Permalink

"Brother, please don't let me drown!" cried Matilda.

William the Aethling looked back. The white ship was cracked, her human cargo leaking like blood from her top and her tear. He turned to Rouen. "We must go back," he said.

"Sire, our dinghy can't pick up all of them. We'll capsize under the weight."

"Do it, Rouen."

"God's hooks," Rouen grumbled, then set his back to the oars.

And the rest is history - sopping nobility desperately scrambled into the dinghy and Rouen's estimate proved correct. William's last thought before sinking into the channel was my, but heavy sits the crown.

Posted by: G-Do at August 2, 2005 8:24 PM · Permalink

He floated in front of the plastiglass, staring at the surface of Mars. The signs of terrafroming were already significant. But that was the future, thanks to the forethought of his grandfather, the original Bill Gates.

He swam over to the door and went into the throne room. "It's time", he said. The United States and United Nations wouldn't like this, but too bad. The right of conquest was far older than them.

In a brief ceremony that was broadcast all over the solar system, he was crowned King William I, Lord Protector of the Kingdom of Deimos and Phobos.

Posted by: Gahrie at August 3, 2005 12:04 AM · Permalink

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