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July 30, 2005

Volume 4, Issue 30

Since we're all about one-word themes, and I'm all about the Food Network at the moment (while waiting to watch the late run of Battlestar Galactica), no reason to break with tradition.

So, today's word: chef.

Go wacky go nuts.

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"Nuts," said Chef Gordon, flicking them one-by-one into the nut-pot. He sighed. "There are chestnuts, cashews, acorns, pistachios, pecans, macademia nuts, hazelnuts, butternuts, walnuts, Shellbark hickory nuts, and almonds. But I guess you aren't interested in those."

"No," I said. "I'm after a very special nut."

"I could get ousted from the Cuisinart's Guild just for having this conversation." Gordon looked around. "The nut you want is called the Giant's Seed. When planted, it - "

Gordon jerked forward, felled by an assassin's dart; I fled the tent. I never discovered the Giant's Seed's purpose; it wasn't the nut I needed, anyway.

Posted by: G-Do at July 30, 2005 2:31 PM · Permalink

Now, the Chef, he went to cookin’ school, when he became a man,
And learned the many secret ways to use a fryin’ pan.
There’s tricks to all them seasonin’s - at least, so I am told,
And if you should learn to know ’em, well, you might just make some gold.

So wear your toque with pride, my boy, and put on your checkered pants -
And go into the kitchen, where you turn the meats and plants
Into a Tasty Repast, which we’ll all tell you is great,
And then we’ll leave the whole damn thing upon our greasy plate.

Posted by: Elisson at July 30, 2005 8:15 PM · Permalink


Posted by: Gahrie at July 30, 2005 10:05 PM · Permalink

Damn. "Bonding night". That meant no Friday Night Baseball for me. Instead I'd have to watch something she would enjoy also. At least it meant I'd get some action out of it later.

We started flipping through the channels, but couldn't agree on anything. Finally we came to the Food channel.

"Let's try this," she said.

The commercial ended, and Iron Chef America began. OK, I could deal with this, at least it was competitive.

"Tonight on Iron Chef the secret ingredient is...... eyeballs!"

She ran from the room retching. Thanks Fear Factor, for ruining TV and my love life.

Posted by: Gahrie at July 31, 2005 1:34 AM · Permalink

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