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July 29, 2005

Volume 4, Issue 29

Who am I to break a pattern?

Today's theme is...


Or, if you will, Earth.

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The Eschatologist: Survey Says

There is a high positive correlation of the use of common place names amongst species that claim Earth as home. Thanks to the Kurzweil Translator, we've been able to determine that among bear species, for instance, they frequently refer to Earth as "Clod". Further, "Dirt" appears commonly among quadripedal, non-tree climbing species in North America. Not withstanding, outliers do occur among certain species of sloth, calling it "The warm shady place where our foods and beds is". Waterborne species, however, disdain references to "Earth" of any kind, claiming a 70% share of the sphere and are quite arrogant about it.

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Michele: In The Night Kitchen

Night is falling and with it comes the noise. I shut the windows and hope that tonight’s rainstorm drowns that noise out. Or drives him away.

I wrestle with the children to get their earplugs on. They don’t understand what’s happening or why they can’t listen to the crunches and crumbles of the evening.

“But mamma, it’s just noise!”

My little one, so simple. There’s no complexity when you’re five.

Just noise. The sky goes dark and immediately, it starts.

Earth is half eaten now. I hope the monster is ravenous tonight. The hopelessness of waiting is probably worse than the dying.

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Ted: The Path to the Mill

Harper came down from the ruins of the mill he used to own. He used to enjoy his daily morning climb. In Spring he would be cautious not to disturb the foraging caterpillers. In Summer, the ants abounded, yet he went out of his way to preserve their trails. By Autumn, he knew each amphibian and lizard by name. When Winter came, he ensured all the creatures had safe places to winter over.

Harper was fucking weird.

The Earth Firsters even thought so, so they kicked his crazy ass out.

So Harper burned down the mill and joined ELF instead.

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