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July 7, 2005
Tanya: Freedom
She lowered her head as they forced her into the police car, keeping her eyes locked on the ambulance, where they carried his lifeless body, dusted with snow. She smiled as the paramedics lowered the sheet over his beautiful face, then flinched as the first of his fans slammed against the window, willing it to break so they could rip her to death with their bare hands.
By the time she arrived at the station, and they discovered the blue skin under her gloves, he’d have escaped. And within twelve hours, they’d both be on their way to South America.
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Posted by: Sekimori at July 7, 2005 7:08 AM · Permalink
Very neatly conceived. You may just have the makings of a criminal mastermind, Tanya.
Posted by: Keiran Halcyon at July 7, 2005 7:13 AM · Permalink