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June 28, 2005


The storm washed away the roads that were guiding Charming and he was soon lost in an unfamiliar forest. Eventually, he came upon a cottage, where a woman wearing a blue gingham dress invited him for supper.

“I’m delivering a revival potion for the cursed queen,” he told her as he ate.
“A queen? There are no queens here. Wizards, witches, munchkins, but no queens.”
“No talking frogs and mice?”
“Mercy, no!”
“This is terrible. The king will have my head if I don’t return home.”
“Maybe I can help you,” the woman said. “What size shoe do you wear?”

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Blue gingham. Curses! You're right, of course. In my story yesterday, I wrote that Dorothy's dress was red. No wonder it wasn't picked! Then again, perhaps the story wasn't picked because it sucked.

I could have been thinking of Baum's book and not the movie. Or maybe I'm just senile.

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at June 28, 2005 9:15 AM · Permalink

I wondered about the red gingham, thought you were just taking liberties. :)

Nobody was picked because we were all too tired to consult each other about it.

Posted by: Sekimori at June 28, 2005 9:36 AM · Permalink

Check before you post!