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June 10, 2010


Today's theme is "stupid dog."

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We entered the lottery, hoping for a big family.

It's not likely though. The government reduced the prize pool again.

We'll be lucky to get a dog.

As a pet. The Lottery Law says no eating pets without government approval.

What happened to us? Where did we go wrong?

Hope? Change?

How did we get from The American Dream to the government sterilizing and executing people for eating a stupid dog?


Maybe, just maybe, we'll win. We'll get the big family.

The lottery agent whispers "No laws against eating children anymore, you know."

And they taste better than dog.

Posted by: Laurence Simon at June 10, 2010 9:26 AM · Permalink

larry, your storees suck moar and moar every day.

love and kisses, fluffy

Posted by: fluffy at June 10, 2010 2:37 PM · Permalink


Posted by: Laurence Simon at June 10, 2010 3:21 PM · Permalink

Sadie had avoided the shade and picked her way carefully around the trunk of a large pine. She settled, contentedly, on its sunny side.

She lay on her back, face upturned, eyes shut. The light that filtered through her closed lids was an inviting and familiar shade of red.

Peacefully, Sadie slept.

Slowly, a darkness crept across her. It slid up her torso, inky fingers spreading across her stomach. She felt them, cold and thieving.

Run! Now!

Ears flattened, whiskers twitching, Sadie disappeared across the lawn. She stole a hurried glance backward at the shadow’s baffled, slobbering source.

Stupid dog!

Posted by: Joseph King at June 10, 2010 9:08 PM · Permalink

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