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April 21, 2009


Angel or demon?

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"This war has gone on far too long."

Kai-ying nodded. "What can I get for you?"

"Angel, please."

Who was the first person to eat an oyster? Was it on a dare?

"You'd think someone would at least pick up the corpses. Getting so you can't walk down the street without tripping over a broken wing or cracked halo."

"At least they don't smell bad."

"Yeah. Kinda like cinnamon. Heh. Should juice 'em. Sell 'em like lattes."

"Yeah, Ben. You let me know how that works."

Kai-ying smiled as she took the woman's money in exchange for the frothing cup.

Posted by: R.A. Porter at April 21, 2009 1:54 PM · Permalink

After years of denial I have finally hit rock bottom and must face the reality. I know that I cannot beat this addiction on my own. I cannot lose another day as I have lost so many others before.

I'm tired of the binges, the lies, the denial, the stashing, the excuses and the obvious physical damage to myself. Today I must take this painfully difficult first step toward piecing my life back together.

I wipe my palms on my jeans as I slowly stand and face the others in the group.

"My name is Theresa and I'm a chocoholic."

Posted by: Owl Creek Observer at April 21, 2009 2:31 PM · Permalink

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