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April 16, 2009

Jeff R.:One of the Usual Suspects

"I have travelled across thousands of light-years to your world, and won't be going home empty-handed. Behold my fleet of scoopships, poised in orbit and ready to extract your world's precious, precious water."

"What? Listen, Klatuu Baratta Nimrod, water isn't even remotely scarce in the cosmos. I mean, it's comprised of hydrogen. which is the most common element of the universe apart from stupidity, and oxygen, the third most common. Fourth. Whatever. Tons of it in gas giants, asteroids, basically anywhere you look for it."



"Well, as long as I've come all this way...have you got any women?"

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Question: Was the Casablanca gag too subtle (even with the title clue)?

Posted by: Jeff R. at April 16, 2009 8:34 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!