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March 11, 2009

Stacy: A New Friend

Cori loved to wander the wilds around Uncle Tobias’ house. Every day after lessons she collected her journal and went exploring. On the agenda for today was the freshwater spring, and a closer look at that weird hill in the center.

She stood at the edge of the pond, gazing at the moss-covered mound, when a deep, rumbling voice seemed to emerge from the ground.

“Well, aren’t you going to introduce yourself?”

She gaped as the front of the hill opened one great Cori-sized eye and regarded her sleepily.

“I am Heironymus,” the giant tortoise said. “Nice to meet you.”

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&#^%&*%#% I'm trying to either A) give birth or B) exorcise this freaking kids book idea, please ignore me.

Posted by: Stacy at March 11, 2009 11:10 AM · Permalink

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