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May 21, 2008


You are in a maze...

difficulty: no lab animals.

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Ahh, American in Paris.

American driving in Paris intends to conquer the famous twelve-avenue roundabout as it circles Arc de Triomphe, paying no mind to the concierge’s warnings.

“Please, monsignor take a taxi then walk to enjoy the beauty of the Champ Elysee. Pause at a sidewalk café. Paris is to be savored.”

“No time. I’ll snap a photo as I drive by, cross it off my list, it’s the American way.”

Twelve lanes wide in a roundabout, Screeching and blaring, at full throttle, now this is the American way!

Arc de Triomphe? “It was there, so... where's the Eiffel tower?".

Posted by: Zoe at May 21, 2008 1:55 PM · Permalink

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