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May 6, 2008


Oh gods, the PAIN...

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"You warthog faced buffoon! If you don't believe me, then I'll show you pain!"

Suddenly the Dread Pirate Roberts lopped off the prince's feet below his ankles, and then his hands below the wrists.

Next came his nose, with blood spurting everywhere, and the prince writhing in agony.

His tongue soon followed, which only quieted the screams of misery somewhat, only to be re-intensified when his eyes were gouged out... first his left eye, then his right.

The Dread Pirate smirked and beheld the sight of the Prince, wailing in torment and intense pain.

"You should have dropped your sword."

Posted by: Nick at May 6, 2008 3:05 PM · Permalink

OH GODS, THE PAIN. (Goldfarb cont')

Bright flashes of light sear Goldfarb's brain.

Grinding his fist into his eye sockets, attempting to clear his mind, Goldfarb rises to his knees.

Opening his eyes, the world spins threateningly about him.

Goldfarb stares down at his hands, covered in bright red, and then to a small pool of blood staining the yellow brick road.

Nearby the Close-N-Play continues to spill out Elvis singing “In the Ghetto”.

Goldfarb lifts one hand to his head and finds a growing lump oozing blood down his forehead.

Gently touching the lump, bright lights again flashes across his brain.

Oh Gods, the pain....

Posted by: JerryD at May 6, 2008 3:30 PM · Permalink

Sorry about the second post of this 100 word story. I sent the first one before my final edit. My bad. This is a much better ending/version of the story.

OH GODS, THE PAIN. (Goldfarb cont')

Bright flashes of light sear Goldfarb's brain.

Grinding his fist into his eye sockets, attempting to clear his mind, Goldfarb rises to his knees.

Opening his eyes, the world spins threateningly about him.

Goldfarb stares down at his hands, covered in bright red, and then to a small pool of blood staining the yellow brick road.

Goldfarb lifts one hand to his head and finds a growing lump oozing blood down his forehead.

Gently touching the lump, bright lights again flashes across his brain.

Nearby the Close-N-Play continues to spill out Elvis singing “In the Ghetto”.

Oh Gods, the pain....

Posted by: JerryD at May 6, 2008 3:35 PM · Permalink


Rodney didn't feel much pain until he saw his tooth in a puddle of blood on the pavement. The pain gradually intensified the longer he laid on the ground listening to Garron and his friends laugh.

"You down there crying, fag?" Garron said.

"Get up and fight, bitch!" Darnell said.

Malcolm couldn't stop laughing.

The blow knocked Rodney's glasses off and without them his vision was significantly reduced, but he could vaguely see a broken beer bottle near the curb beside his book bag.

"Get up and fight, punk," Garron taunted.

Rodney snatched the bottle and leapt to his feet.

Posted by: Jarrett at May 6, 2008 4:21 PM · Permalink

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