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April 21, 2008


He offers you a drink.

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HE OFFERS YOU A DRINK (Goldfarb Continued)

The EMT's spent the first few minuets getting Goldfarb's heart beating.

Then a quick trip to the hospital where the Doctors worked over his electrified body.

After that it was just a matter of repairing the burns.

Skin grafts to the soles of his feet and the crown of his head.

A week after the incident Goldfarb was allowed to awake from the drug induced coma.

His eyes open and focused on a nurse dressed in a pure white uniform standing beside his bed.

Replacing the empty IV the nurse checks the tube.

“Have a drink on me, Mr. Goldfarb.”

Posted by: JerryD at April 21, 2008 7:30 AM · Permalink


Years of Special Ops training had prepared me for all of their methods. Within seventy-two hours I had been beaten, starved, sleep deprived, and forced to listen to the same grinding heavy metal song blasting continuously.

The Commandant entered the room with the look of a concerned father. He offered me a tall cold bottle of water, which I chugged.

"Be reasonable my friend," he said. "Give us the code."

My final swallow of water landed right in his face.

He wiped it off. "I think you are still thirsty."

A blindfold and a running hose can be quite persuasive.

Posted by: Jarrett at April 21, 2008 12:17 PM · Permalink

He offered me a drink.

I seized the glass, slamming the shot down before he changed his mind.

“I thought this was a treatment center?” I asked.

“Sometimes we offer prophylactic support during detox.” replied the in-take nurse, stashing his stethoscope around his burly neck.

“Am I that far gone?” I trembled as withdrawal set in.

He scribbled data onto my chart. “We treat all addictions here.” The pat reply was meant to calm, but didn’t. “Now, questions about your addiction history.”

I braced for the tough part as my therapy began.

“When did you write your first 100-word story?”

Posted by: Barb at April 21, 2008 5:14 PM · Permalink

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