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March 14, 2008

Jeff R.:Musical Questions

"What do they mean, 'If there's no one besides you'?"


"You know, in the Death Cab song. Is he saying that if he happens to be having an affair when his girl bites it, he's going to stick around?"

"I don't think so-"

"Or is it that this suicide pact thing only applies if all of their parents and kids and siblings are dead by then also? Because it doesn't really mean much at that point, does it?"

"I don't know."

"Okay, then, tell me this: why can't someone be a pimp and a prostitute, too?"

"Union rules."


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"So what do you associate with, say, rollerskating?"
"We kids used to skate at a roller rink.
"What does that bring to mind? Go with it."
"When I stopped skating, I'd concluded I'd never learn to skate backwards and be really cool."
“Ever have sidewalk skates, a key to tighten them?"
"Yeah, but there was never a girl around pursuing me to borrow it."
"You lost me."
"Back in the 60s, the girl singing 'I've got a brand new pair of roller skates, you've got a brand new key'. Vulnerable, persistent, with an inner strength. -- I would have married her."

Posted by: Steve at March 23, 2008 8:02 PM · Permalink

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