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February 1, 2008

Michele: Always

Lila has been on the couch for more days than I remember.

I give her a blanket and play those Meg Ryan movies she loves so much. I sit next to her doing crossword puzzles while the movies play.

She smells a bit funny. I lean down and say "Honey, you should take a shower, you really stink." Haha.

Maybe that's not so funny.

Tom Hanks kisses Meg on top of the Empire State building and I gently touch Lila's face. My fingers sink into her rotting flesh.

She's still beautiful. She will always be.

She will always be mine.

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We seem to be on the same wavelength today. Interesting how many posts involved a bad smell.

Posted by: Sealyon at February 1, 2008 5:58 PM · Permalink

When I got the idea, I made sure I didn't read anyone else's posts first. I knew I couldn't be the first person to go there.

Posted by: michele at February 1, 2008 6:02 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!