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February 15, 2008


Did you hear about my new dance?

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Title: Testimonial

My life was virtually over, my legs lost in the Karellian war of 2097 in a horrific blast that vaporized them. So I acquiesced to an experimental form of reconstructive surgery involving highly unusual methods of limb regrowth.
Imagine my surprise when, fifteen months later, the treatment had actually worked. Now I can do almost all the things I used to, and unlike those unsightly cybernetic implants my new legs look and are natural.
Of course, there are some unexpected side effects but most aren't too bad. As you can see, I even ended up with a fifty percent bonus!

Posted by: Joel at February 17, 2008 1:00 AM · Permalink

"So tell me, Johnny, do you have any regrets you'd like to discuss?"

"Yeah, I do. This may sound funny, coming from me, but I always regretted that I never pursued the career in ballet that my Mom wanted so badly. She sacrificed for years to pay for my lessons, slippers and leotards but, in the end, I just went my own way."

"Johnny, we all make bad choices sometimes but we must always hold fast to the dreams that give our lives meaning."

"Too late for that, Warden; I'll never dance again."

"Not necessarily, Johnny. Hit the juice, boys!"

Posted by: Owl Creek Observer at February 17, 2008 10:15 AM · Permalink

"Hit the juice"! Hahaha!

Posted by: Jim Parkinson at February 17, 2008 8:58 PM · Permalink

Check before you post!