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February 5, 2008

Dave: November Surprise

The Democratic ticket had, of course, the support of Big Labor, the liberal media, the puppet-waving activists, the minorities and disenfranchised and lazy, the French, and the whining and dining Hollywood celebrities.

The Republican ticket, naturally, had the support of Big Business, the conservative media, the Bible-thumpers, the homophobes and xenophobes, the Saudis, and the gun nuts.

Polls showed both sides neck-and-neck right down to Election Day.  Nobody realized, though, the power of a casual catch phrase. Nor did anyone predict how many people actually would vote the independent ticket of Fred Early and Cecilia Often.

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Ooooooooooh... nice.

Posted by: LJ at February 6, 2008 1:26 AM · Permalink

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